    Simple cross-platform distributed computing, based on the standards of the Internet.


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Call for Endorsements

We generate lots of implementations, and lots of companies and developer groups are using XML-RPC successfully. I meet these people all the time, at conferences and trade shows, and hear from them in excited emails about how well XML-RPC works. There's no shortage of enthusiasm.

But when an analyst or reporter shows an interest, I can't point to a list of credible organizations that endorse XML-RPC, because there is no such list.

So now, I'd like to ask you to take a moment, if you work inside such an organization, whether it's a commercial developer, consulting company, open source working group, or whatever. If you build systems with XML-RPC, please make a public statement that says that.

"We use XML-RPC to build systems because.." and then explain why. Say who you are, what you do, and relate that to XML-RPC.

How to post your endorsement 

Please put it on the Web and send me a URL.

You can use space here in the discussion group, or post an email to the list, but it works best if you put it on your organization's website, or even better, as a formal press release.

I have started a new section in the directory for Endorsements. Please get involved and show your support for simple cross-platform distributed computing, based on the standards of the Internet.

I know it's corny: "Ask not what the Internet can do for you, ask what you can do for the Internet."

Many thanks..

Dave Winer

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© Copyright 1998-2004 UserLand Software, Inc.
XML-RPC is a trademark of UserLand Software, Inc.
Posted: 10/11/01; 8:18:11 AM Pacific.

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